Writing a college admission essay
Topics For Term Paper For Atheism
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
People Are Sheep :: miscellaneous
Individuals Are Sheep Each individual wherever in the United States is devoured by what the media lets them know: what to do, what to wear, where to go to shop. Individuals will swear here and there that they need to have their own character, and they will even try really hard to accomplish it, yet, unavoidably, they all fall into a â€Å"clique†with a huge number of others. No one needs to be an adherent, yet as far as youth culture, it's not possible for anyone to truly be a genuine pioneer. No one, that is, with the exception of the media. The American individuals, youthful and old the same, line up like sheep and follow the media shepherd any place it leads. After a disgraceful request from my 13-year-old sibling, I hesitantly consented to take him and a couple of his mates to the shopping center to look for ball shoes. Albeit taking a large number of stubborn, boisterous mouthed, smarty pants adolescents shopping was not high on my need list, investing energy with my younger sibling was. So off to the shopping center we went. In transit the inexorably stronger contentions over which shoes were the best made me need to drive my vehicle straight into a tree. The one theme that continued moving media presuaded tounges was that of the a wide range of shoes they had seen on TV. That’s when it hit me, my sibling and his mates were being directed to butcher - the shopping center - by the media shepherd. As we maneuvered into the parking spot at the shopping center, I scarcely had the opportunity to place the vehicle in leave before my crazed travelers, a pack of teenaged hoodlums, surged out of the vehicle and dashed for the entryway. When I made up for lost time to my crowd of shoe customers they were at that point in a shoe store, each with an alternate shoe close by. My younger sibling had just lashed a couple of repulsive shoes to his feet and was bobbing around the store acting like he was Kobe Bryant. I inquired as to whether he enjoyed the manner in which the shoes looked, or regardless of whether they were at any rate agreeable, and his answer was, â€Å"who cares? Kobe Bryant wears them so they’re awesome!†. I gave the shoes a closer examination, provided that they were sufficient for Kobe Bryant, they were adequate for my younger sibling. In any event in my younger siblings mind. At the point when I looked at the sticker price my knees got powerless, and I almost fell over.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The indigenous cultures of the Americas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The indigenous societies of the Americas - Essay Example As per the students of history, Holmberg invested his energy during the 1940s among the Sirono clans and chose to consider them the most socially in reverse individuals in the whole world. He expressed that these clans had no religion, no workmanship or structure, no instruments, no local creatures and no garments, and lived in consistent craving and need. They couldn’t even make the most of fire or to three. Mann chose to contend against these discoveries with profound regard. He expressed that Holmberg felt that the individuals before Columbus had no genuine history, while he didn't consider that individuals before Columbus were simply mistreated survivors and had been completely crushed with the smallpox and flu during the 1920s. Mann itemized his own involvement in the pre-Columbian occasions history inside the article that he talked about in his book, as indicated by which he said that during his occasions in the secondary school, he discovered that the Indians approached the place where there is Americas more than 12000 years prior over the Bering Strait, and these Indians lived in detached and little gatherings and had practically no effect over the earth. Therefore, the place that is known for Americas stayed wild and desolate much following quite a while of residence. In the presentation of his book, he contrasts his examination and Holmberg’s and at first it appears as though both are two unique pieces through and through. In any case, subsequent to perusing the whole book, it becomes evident that the examination of anthropologists had come up to wrong resolutions. The best misstep as per Mann is the presumption that numerous students of history made expecting that the Indians had no history bef ore the appearance of Columbus on the landmass. Mann took a gander at the history before Columbus from different purposes of perspectives, and wound up making a particular sort of anthropological transformation. As per the examinations that he made about the life of the peers and the field of culture indicated that the Indians took legitimate and
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Learner-Centered vs. Curriculum-Centered Teachers Which Type Are You
Learner-Centered vs. Curriculum-Centered Teachers Which Type Are You Your view of learning and student/teacher roles determines the method by which you teach This insightful article will help you understand the difference between learner-centered and curriculum-centered classrooms. Constructivists adhere to learner-centered classrooms. Standards-based teachers adhere to curriculum-centered classrooms. Which one are you? Looking for more great advice from veteran teachers? Find it in our art of teaching center. Updated on: January 18, 2001 Page 1 of 2Learner-Centered vs. Curriculum-Centered Teachers: Which Type Are You? The difference between learner-centered and curriculum-centered classrooms is philosophical. Philosophy drives behavior, so when it comes to your teaching style, it is important to have a deep understanding of your own belief system. Your view of learning, students' roles, and teachers' roles determine the method by which you teach. Use this article to place yourself on the pedagogical continuum by considering: The types of activities you create The layout of your classroom The way students learn with you How you prepare for class How to make the most of your style Pedagogy Teachers who adhere to learner-centered classrooms are influenced strongly by constructivism. Constructivism holds that prior knowledge forms the foundation by which new learning occurs (Piaget and Inhelder, 1969). Because people and their experiences are different, they arrive at school with varying levels of proficiency. A stud ent is challenged according to his or her individual zone of proximal development (Vygotsky, 1986). The difference between a student's actual developmental level and his or her potential is the zone of proximal development (ZPD). Good instruction matches each child's ZPD. Teachers who adhere to curriculum-centered classrooms are influenced greatly by the standards-based movement. All students are taught the same body of knowledge. Regardless of variations in developmental levels, all children are exposed to the same content in the same time period. The objective is to ensure that there will be no academic gaps in what is taught. Learner-centered classrooms Learner-centered classrooms focus primarily on individual students' learning. The teacher's role is to facilitate growth by utilizing the interests and unique needs of students as a guide for meaningful instruction. Student-centered classrooms are by no means characterized by a free-for-all. These classrooms are goal-based. Studen ts' learning is judged by whether they achieve predetermined, developmentally-oriented objectives. In essence, everyone can earn an A by mastering the material. Because people learn best when they hear, see, and manipulate variables, the method by which learning occurs is oftentimes experiential. Learn more about the structure of learner-centered classrooms. Curriculum-centered classrooms Curriculum-centered classrooms focus essentially on teaching the curriculum. The teacher determines what ought to be taught, when, how, and in what time frame. The curriculum that must be covered throughout the year takes precedence. These classes often require strict discipline because children's interests are considered only after content requirements are established. In this framework students are compared with one another. Student success is judged in comparison with how well others do. A fixed standard of achievement is not necessarily in place. In these classrooms grades resemble the familiar bell curve. Learn more about the structure of curriculum-centered classrooms.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Three Paradigms in Society - 840 Words
The Three Paradigms in Society Functionalist paradigm, conflict paradigm, and symbolic interaction paradigm are the three major paradigms that function in todays society. Functionalist, and conflict paradigms are macro-sociological paradigms. Symbolic interaction is a micro-sociological paradigm. Functionalist paradigm focuses on the integration of society, while social conflict focuses on the issue of division among society. Symbolic interaction works on communication and social change as a consequence. The three paradigms are completely different from each other in a social point of view. The macro-sociological paradigms view America as an inequality state. The social conflict paradigm fits todays society. The functionalist†¦show more content†¦Functionalist paradigm tends to focus on social stability and unification. As a result this cause more inequality in society. It ignores social class status, racial issues, ethical issues, and sex gender. Its end result causes a tremendous amount of conflict. Social conflict paradigm sees society in little cluster, or groups that have their own agenda. Certain groups have the luck of better economic conditions, which without a doubt economicShow MoreRelated The Three Paradigms In Society Essay828 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"The Three Paradigms in Society†Functionalist paradigm, conflict paradigm, and symbolic interaction paradigm are the three major paradigms that function in today’s society. Functionalist, and conflict paradigms are macro-sociological paradigms. Symbolic interaction is a micro-sociological paradigm. Functionalist paradigm focuses on the integration of society, while social conflict focuses on the issue of division among society. Symbolic interaction works on communication and social changeRead MoreEconomic Issues Faced By Consumers And Producers1226 Words  | 5 Pagesopportunity cost. The two fundamental paradigms in economics are known as the exchange and production paradigm. 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Social paradigms have the ability to impact social issues if they areRead MoreCritical Analysis Paper On Nursing1442 Words  | 6 Pagesdefinition of three nursing metaparadigm concepts including the person, nursing, and environment, and helped reinforce my original definition of health. Original Concept Definition PERSON Originally, I defined a person as a combination of physical, psychological, emotional, social and spiritual aspects. I stated that imbalance of any of these factors can result in a disturbance in person’s wellbeing. My definition of the person falls into totality paradigm. This is so because totality paradigm statesRead MoreThe Theory, Symbolic Interactionism, And Conflict Theory1040 Words  | 5 Pages Faith Williams Dr. Whitman Sociology Abstract This review connects three theoretical frameworks. The first theoretical framework is the symbolic interactionism. 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Around the world, normative liberal thoughtâ€â€or liberalism if you willâ€â€serves as the primary political paradigm under which most governments and their citizens alike ascribe. In many ways, Liberalism has become a nearly permanent feature of our political lives. Due toRead MorePublic Goods, Private Goods : The American Struggle Over Educational Goal Essay906 Words  | 4 Pageshow the three main purposes, which interact and interfere sometimes, have shaped the American education goals, throughout out its practices and policies, democratic equality, social efficiency and Social mobility. On the same track, Nickols and Cuenca (2014) found in their work â€Å"Two Roadmaps, One Dest ination: The Economic Progress Paradigm in Teacher Education Accountability in Georgia and Missouri†That teacher preparation programs influence by what they called â€Å"the economic progress paradigm†(p.Read More America And The War On Drugs Essay1216 Words  | 5 Pagesenvironment. Sociologists have three main paradigms that they can coincide with people to learn they function under certain circumstances. The paradigms used are the Structural-Functional, Social-Conflict and Symbolic-Interaction. Here is a brief description to help make the sociologist perspective more understandable. The Structural-Functional paradigm has multiple interrelated parts; morally desirable functional consequences and conflict is often destructive. How is society integrated? What consequences
Monday, May 11, 2020
Sick Around the World - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 873 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/09/18 Category Health Essay Type Argumentative essay Tags: Health Care Essay Did you like this example? What does â€Å"universal health care mean? Which countries in the film have universal health care? â€Å"Universal healthcare or universal coverage refers to a scenario where everyone is covered for basic healthcare services, and no one is denied care as long as they are legal residents in the geography covered. Countries that have universal health care coverage are United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, Switzerland and Taiwan. Although all five countries that was discussed in the video â€Å"Sick Around the World†, have universal healthcare coverage, each health care policy are uniquely designed to meet the needs of the people. The United Kingdom provides public healthcare to all UK permanent residents may receive free health care service at the point of need which is paid through taxes. In addition, each also has a private healthcare sector which is considerably smaller than its public equivalent, with provision of private healthcare acquired by means of private healt h insurance, funded as part of an employer funded healthcare scheme or paid directly by the customer. Also, they are the only country that was discussed that had a GP or General Practitioner. The GP acts as a gatekeeper in assisting patients in receiving specialized care. Japan’s universal coverage was another country that was investigated. It provides health care services to approximately one hundred and thirty million people and only uses eight percent of the country’s GDP (gross domestic product). Germany has a universal health care plan that can cover everyone with the option of opting out and selecting a private company for health care services. The insurance’s premiums are based on an individual income. Obama’s idea: Starting in 2014, middle-class families and individuals who dont have insurance through work can get tax credits to help them buy affordable coverage on the new health insurance exchanges. Through the new health insurance exchange s or through employers, Americans will be able to purchase affordable health coverage at lower rates, and many will be eligible for tax credits to help lower costs. Employers who choose to offer employees health insurance can receive tax cuts of up to 35% of premiums this year, and up to 50% in 2014. More than 60% of small employers will be eligible for these tax cuts. Starting this year, children will no longer be denied insurance due to pre-existing conditions, and adults with pre-existing conditions will have access to a temporary high-risk insurance pool. Starting in 2014, discrimination against pre-existing conditions will be banned completely. In 2007, 62% of all bankruptcies filed in the United States were linked to medical expenses. Health reform will prevent bankruptcies by capping annual out-of-pocket costs for families who receive insurance through the exchanges or a small business. In the United States, insurance companies can deny coverage to people who are sick or w ho have pre-existing conditions, and they can make a profit. How do these two factors impact American health care? A pre-existing condition is a health problem that existed before you apply for a health insurance policy or enroll in a new health plan. A pre-existing condition is a health problem that existed before you apply for a health insurance policy or enroll in a new health plan. A pre-existing condition can be something as common and as serious as heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and asthma. These are some chronic health problems that affect a large portion of the population. Even if you have a relatively minor condition such as hay fever or a previous accidental injury, a health plan can deny coverage. In the United States, a pre-existing condition can affect your health insurance coverage. If you are applying for insurance, some health insurance companies may accept you conditionally by providing a pre-existing condition exclusion period In Germany, the rich pay for the poor, the ill are covered by the healthy, health insurance continues with or without employment, and doctors, who are private entrepreneurs, make less money than they did before reform. o Why will doctors in Germany accept less money? o Should the rich pay for the poor when it comes to health insurance? Germany has Europes oldest universal health care system, with origins dating back to Otto von Bismarcks Social legislation, which included the Health Insurance Bill of 1883. In the public system the premium is set by the Federal Ministry of Health based on a fixed set of covered services as described in the German Social Law (Sozialgesetzbuch SGB), which limits those services to economically viable, sufficient, necessary and meaningful services Also it is not dependent on an individuals health condition, but a percentage of salaried income. Typically 10-15%, depending on the public health insurance company one is in, where half of that is paid by the employer. This system includes family members of any family members, or registered member ( Familienversicherung i. e. husband/wife and children are free). It’s a pay as you go system there is no saving for an individuals higher health costs with rising age or existing conditions. With an aging population, there is an intrinsic risk that, in the long run, the burden to be carried by the young and working generations for the higher share of elderly will run the public system into a huge deficit or result in high premiums Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Sick Around the World" essay for you Create order
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
About Myself Essay Free Essays
My academic career was not at all a bed of roses and as I am about to remind all the history of it then I am feeling very much nostalgic. The first hurdle which I can remember was appeared when I was in standard 1. At that time my mother had faced a severe accident. We will write a custom essay sample on About Myself Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now She was in bed for a whole year. At that time I was a kid and I was completely dependent on her so I was in severe distress. I had to study with the help of my father but he was also unable to give much time for me as the other responsibilities were on him completely. Then he decided to send me to a tutor’s house for my study. But what I should tell about that lady!!! She never used to give any time to me to complete my homework moreover her daughter used to give all her own homework to me to do. Every day in school I used get punishment for not doing the homework but as they also were aware about my home’s condition so they never used to give me any hard punishment. Gradually after a year my mom recovered and I got back my good marks in all subjects. From then I have decided to become a tutor and decided to be polite and lovable and ideal for my every student. From the beginning of my career I was very much ambitious. I have done my schooling from Holy Child Girls’ High School till my 10th Grade and after that I have done my +2 studies from Patha Bhavan, Kolkata. Throughout my school life I was a very good student according to my teachers. After finishing my school I have done Physics Honours from Calcutta University. And finally I did my Master of Computer Application from West Bengal University of Technology. Finally before 4 years from now I have started my career as a software developer and also before that I have started my career as an online Mathematics Tutor. Right now I am enjoying both my career very much and also right now I am the head of my department of software developer and also I have achieved 4 awards for my performance as a Best Online Mathematics Tutor throughout a particular academic year. I know it is just a start of my ambition and I have long way to go. Right now as I am trying to become an Online Mathematics Tutor for Tutor. com so my very next ambition is to become the best tutor in this company by maintaining my good work so that I can get appreciation from my students and from my company end also, because appreciation always give some boast up to do some better work. Also as a head of the software developers my next ambition in that field is to become the manager of the team. I always used to set short term ambitions and after achieving one I used to set the next because this will lead to the proper satisfaction and happiness. How to cite About Myself Essay, Essays
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Rubeola or measles free essay sample
Rubeola, or measles, is a communicable disease that is highly contagious and easily spread from person to person through close physical contact or direct contact with infected bodily secretions. â€Å"Measles is caused by a virus in the paramyxovirus family†(Measles, 2013). Paramyxoviruses are single-stranded RNA viruses that infect respiratory cells. If an infected individual coughs or sneezes they expel mucous membrane cells within their secretions. The virus stays active and therefore contagious for up to 2 hours in the air and on surfaces. People can contract the illness by touching contaminated surfaces and then transferring the infected cells to their own person. The primary at risk groups for contracting measles are unvaccinated young children and non-immune individuals. The symptom onset of measles initially presents 10-12 days after exposure has occurred. It begins with a fever greater than 100. 4F, runny nose, cough, conjunctivitis, malaise, and white spots inside the cheeks. A rash follows that typically starts on the head and migrates downward to the hands and feet. We will write a custom essay sample on Rubeola or measles or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The rash typically remains for 5-6 days and then fades. Dehydration often results secondary to the fever. Serious complications can happen and are more common in developing countries where malnourishment and vitamin A deficiencies are more prevalent. One in ten cases results in ear infections, which is the most common secondary infection seen globally. However, in developing countries, pneumonia and diarrhea are seen in one in five cases. A severe complication that can result from a measles infection is encephalitis. Encephalitis is swelling in the brain, it starts with the high fever and headaches and progresses to loss of motor function, cognitive impairments, seizures, blindness and eventually death. Death secondary to measles is caused by these secondary infections and severe complications. Should a person exposed to measles survive the disease process they will acquire natural immunity to the disease. Epidemiological Data and Analysis With the discovery of vaccinations and the widespread availability of these vaccinations, the mortality rate of rubeola has been dramatically improved upon. Prior to 1980, and the beginning of the expanded vaccination efforts, approximately 2.6 million deaths occurred each year throughout the world. (â€Å"Measles†, 2013). As of 2000, measles is no longer considered to be endemic in the U. S. , which effectively equates to eradication of the disease throughout the year in this country. However, due to ease of global travel and the disease prevalence outside the U. S. , measles cases continue to occur within our borders. The disease was the cause of approximately 158,000 deaths worldwide in 2011, the majority of which were children under 5 years of age. During the same year only 222 total cases were reported in the U.S. with no deaths resulting. These cases occurred in 17 separate areas and in each instance the primary infection was found to have originated outside of U. S. borders. The United States has an overall vaccination rate for measles of 90. 8% of children having received initial immunization by 35 months of age per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The elimination of the disease process within the U. S. can be attributed to the high vaccination rate achieved. As previously stated, worldwide there were approximately 158,000 deaths in 2011 secondary to measles. Per the World Health Organization, this was a 71% decrease from the reporting period ending in 2000 where there was an estimated 548,000 deaths caused by the measles virus. â€Å"In 2011, about 84% of the world’s children received one dose of measles vaccine by their first birthday†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Measles, 2013). These vaccination efforts have been effective in decreasing the mortality and morbidity rate on a global scale. Community Effect Should a measles outbreak occur in Bay County Florida, approximately 3,337 people or 9% of the population under the age of 18 would have the potential for exposure to the disease. Per the 2010 census there were 37,076 people under the age of 18 that resided in Bay County. Florida has a vaccination rate of 91% of all children having received the measles vaccine as recommended. Due to the delayed incubation period of the disease, school aged children may have interaction will their peers and allow for exposure to occur prior to symptoms presenting. SARS Outbreak The reporting system for communicable disease is a five class system dependent on the disease as determined by the CDC and WHO. SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) is a class 2 disease. Upon initial suspicion of the diagnosis of SARS the provider should immediately notify the local health department by phone (24 hours a day 7 days per week) of the suspected diagnosis. Laboratory testing should be ordered at that point and the individuals in question should be quarantined pending laboratory results. The infected individuals’ personal contacts must be traced and all individuals that the suspected infected person had close personal contact with, where the potential for droplet transfer may have occurred, must also be quarantined and tested. The local health authorities will then notify the state and federal agencies as protocols dictate. Air Quality Index Upon receiving patients into their care, the community health nurse should complete a thorough history and physical on the client. Initial care of the patients should already include ensuring they have and maintain adequate rescue medications in their home and instructions should be given to ensure they keep these medications with them when they venture outside. Education should be provided to ensure the patient is capable of utilizing these medications and that they understand when to implement their use. Initial intake should also include determining the most effective strategies they can employ during episodes of dyspnea, whether it is a simple position changes or rescue medications, ensuring patient understanding of care is a must. Their homes should be evaluated for potential pollutants and they should be instructed to maintain air filter systems in their homes. Patients should be taught how to monitor for outdoor air quality either through the internet or new media on a daily basis. When the air quality index is poor, patients with asthma and other respiratory diseases can be drastically affected in a negative manner. The community health nurse must ensure that each patient is safe in their environments. Instructions must be relayed to them that the air quality level could adversely affect them. A phone tree or automatic messaging system could be employed to ensure each patient receives and update as to the condition changes and its potential effect on their health. They should be instructed to avoid being outdoors and to maintain in home air quality utilizing air filtering through their heat or air conditioning units. The clients should be directed to utilize masks that cover their mouth and nose should they need to leave their homes, and they should be directed to avoid additional triggers while out of their homes. Should travel be necessary they need to be directed to use the in cabin air filters of their vehicles. Lastly, each patient should be reminded of when and how to seek emergency care should their condition deteriorate.
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